Two Salford ‘institutions’ are teaming up to celebrate 15.
The Ceremonial Mayor of Salford, Councillor Peter Dobbs is celebrating beating his target of raising £15,000 for local charities while the Lowry Hotel is celebrating 15 years since it launched in 2001.
Now the pair have teamed up for one final charity push – with a glamorous charity ball at the five star hotel with all funds raised going to local good causes in Salford.
When I became Ceremonial Mayor last year I set a target of raising at least £15,000 for three local charities – Salford Lads and Girls Club, Salford Loaves and Fishes which works with homeless people and the Andrew Cooke Music Award Trust and Memorial Fund which helps children and young people afford music tuition and instruments.
I’m delighted to say my hard working fund raising team have already beaten that target even before we stage the traditional Ceremonial Mayor’s charity ball which every Ceremonial Mayor concludes their year of office with.
It’s an added bonus to be teaming up with the Lowry Hotel as they celebrate their 15th anniversary – it must be our lucky number!
Councillor Dobbs
Traditionally you celebrate your 15th anniversary with crystal. I don’t think anyone looking into a crystal ball on the day of our opening in 2001 could have predicted the incredible changes in Salford that we have seen in the 15 years since then.
The striking Trinity Bridge designed by architect Santiago Calatrava was the first step, linking Salford with Manchester city centre and the hotel followed. Since then we’ve seen the city transformed around us and the pace of development is phenomenal.
We’re delighted to host the Ceremonial Mayor’s charity ball and hope we help raise plenty for such worthy causes in Salford.
Adrian Ellis, General Manager of the Lowry Hotel