As all the gym ads are telling us, the January is a great time to hit reset and focus on our goals for the coming year. New Year, New You right?

Well, whether you are pounding the treadmill or choosing to hibernate from the world on these chilly winter nights, January is a great time to reflect on the year gone by and start to think about your goals and aspirations for the year ahead both personally and professionally. But that’s not where it should end…

Revisit, Revisit, Revisit

 At CHS, we believe the process of reflecting and goal setting is something that should be continually revisited throughout the year. As a team we put huge emphasis on the importance of our quarterly team away days. Each quarter for two days, we put our to-do lists to one side and get together to check-in, review, reflect and look ahead to the future.

CHS was designed as a remote workforce when the company was founded 12 years ago and with the team spread out across the country, our away days are critical to building our amazing team culture. They are essential in making sure we are all driving towards the same goal, as well as having the opportunity to connect in person and have some good old-fashioned fun!

CHS January 23 Offsite

CHS Team at our January 2023 offsite

Last week the team met up in London for our first offsite of the year where we focused on our plans for 2023 and beyond.

One of the major aims for this away day was to revisit the team vision and values as these are key to informing decision making for the rest of the year. This is particularly important as the company continues to grow and diversify with lots of exciting new projects planned this year (watch this space!).

As ever CHS is all about supporting our fantastic events and meetings industry and as a team we are passionate that this is reflected in our company values:

Do right by each other and do right by our customers

Do what you say you’re going to do

Find your purpose. Be successful

Both professionally and personally

You are human. Be human

As a team we came away feeling energised and motivated to drive towards the goals we set together and we have so much planned over the next 12 months! To keep up to date with the latest news from the CHS team sign up to receive updates here.

Keep you eyes peeled for part two of this blog coming next week with our top tips for setting (and achieving) your goals. 

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