In our last blog we gave you a little insight into how CHS approaches the strategic planning process. As we FINALLY reach the end of January, have you started to look ahead to 2023 and beyond to consider your longer-term goals? Here are a few of our top tips to help you on the way:

Consider your long-term goals

A 5-year plan can be a great idea for both professional and personal goals as it helps you to really understand what you are aiming for in the longer term and helps you to stay focused on your ambitions (no matter how scary they may seem right now!)

Break them down into annual goals

Think about the steps that you need to go through to achieve your long-term goal and what you would like to achieve over the next year to move towards it.

Break them down again!

How many times have you set goals for the year only to have forgotten them by February and not looked at them again until December?

Did you know that 90-day targets are far more manageable than annual goals and that you are more likely to achieve them? By breaking down your goals into smaller bitesize chunks you are more likely to feel motivated and stay on track.

Get buy-in

If you are setting goals for your business or team – getting the whole team involved in the process is crucial in making sure that everyone is on-board and more importantly that the goals are achievable.

Without team buy-in at the outset your plans are sure to fail. By ensuring everyone understands the vision, you will increase commitment and therefore the likelihood of success.

Write your goals and targets down

…and put them somewhere you can see them! This will help to remind you of your aims, keep you on track and inform your decision making.

Key decisions will be easier if you keep your goals at the forefront of your mind as you can weigh up whether they get you to where you want to be.

Review and adapt

Come back to your goals regularly and review them to make sure they are still relevant and achievable and if they aren’t?

Adapt them! – for us this is where the CHS quarterly away days come in to their own.

Best laid plans…

If 2020 taught us anything, it’s that things don’t always go to plan and that we need to adapt to new situations, so if the situation changes, your goals can too. Flexibility and agility are key to success!

So there you have it! A few of our top tips for setting goals and planning for the future, we hope you found this helpful.

Pssstttt… Here at CHS we have lots of new and exciting initiatives coming this year, to keep up-to-date and hear the latest sign up to receive updates here.

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