Stephen Murtagh, The Exhibition Guy has written the next blog  in our ‘How To Exhibit’ series which are written by industry experts to help our exhibitors get the most from our upcoming flagship event, Conference & Hospitality Show on Tuesday 24th April 2018 in Leeds:


My 5 tips for training your exhibition staff are…

1. The Pitch!

Really the best way to do this is to get them to develop a 20 second Elevator Pitch. Get them to practice it until they are really comfortable that they can deliver it at will. This is incredibly useful at Exhibitions as you will meet many visitors during the show and having this makes you appear more confident and professional. It’s also easy to practice as it’s only 20 seconds!

2. Product Knowledge!

Make sure they know the product you are offering inside out! It’s one of the biggest complaints visitors have is that sales people don’t know the facts about their product. You only have one chance to make a first impression so make sure they know exactly what they are offering

3. Stand Objectives!

It’s important that you have a minimum of 3 clear Objectives from exhibiting and having them is great but unfortunately, sometimes the rest of the team don’t know or understand them. Have a team meeting pre-show and clearly explain them so everyone is on the same page! This creates a stronger camaraderie during the show and demonstrates you are a unified team and that you trust them.

4. Buzz them up!

Exhibiting can be hard work so make sure you put in some good incentives for your team to ensure they are totally motivated to get the results you need. Sales incentive, leads bonuses…whatever is going to make your team stay positive even during the lull hours of the show because they will happen!

5. Get them really involved!

People by their nature like to be involved so get them invested in the success of the show and give them responsibilities. Everyone needs to be accountable and in reality people like to be accountable and delegating roles at the show keeps everyone involved. Team meetings pre-show can be a great way of doing this.


For over 25 years I have ate, drank and slept exhibitions and I am really passionate about people, sales & exhibitions so becoming “The Exhibition Guy” really seemed like the obvious route for me to bring this passion to the industry and help people really get the most from Exhibitions. It’s why I set up The Exhibition Guy…to simply help people sell more…and not to be frustrated about Exhibition ROI but actually get the ROI!



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