#EventWell17 is the event industry’s first official national wellbeing week launching on the 18th of September and running until Friday the 22nd September 2017. It’s vitally important that the events industry as a whole comes together with a proactive approach towards workplace wellbeing that equips the industry with the knowledge and skills to stay healthy and happy.

To show our support, over the next ten weeks we will be running a series of blogs about mental and physical health to inspire and encourage you to join the initiative.

Blog 10 by Helen Moon,  Founder and Managing Director of EWL Club, Editor of the Diary of an #Eventprof blog, and now Co-founder and Director of #EventWell, and UK Event Wellbeing Week: 

If there is one thing that has overwhelmed me since launching EventWell and UK Event Wellbeing Week in September then it’s the sheer number of peers and colleagues who are opening up about their own personal experiences and mental health battles, and I’m proud of every single one of them.

Not only is it one of the hardest things for a sufferer to do, it’s a hugely important thing to do if we are in any way able to break down the barriers and the stigma that is deep rooted in our society. Only by being open, honest and transparent will we be able to challenge attitudes and encourage a movement towards positive mental health.

If EventWell has achieved one thing it has certainly let many professionals in our industry know that they are not alone, and that by opening up and asking for help they will receive the support that they need without judgement or prejudice.

I also hope, having been very open about my own personal experiences of mental illness – I’ve had Bipolar Disorder since I was 16 – that it’s the shape of things to come.

My confession has received nothing but praise and respect from my peers and colleagues in the industry, and I know that it has opened up the lines of communication for many others. Let’s continue sending a message that admitting to a mental health problem, or that you are going through a tough time is not a sign of weakness, if anything it’s the exact opposite and a sign of strength and bravery.

I don’t see myself as weak because I have a mental illness that I battle, I see myself as someone who regularly has to face adversity and personal challenges, and comes through the other side a better and stronger person for it.

We’ll be enforcing that message. As the new wellbeing resource and mental health social enterprise for the events industry – your industry – EventWell will provide you with the advice, knowledge, help and support you need in regards to taking better care of your overall health and wellbeing.

Whether you’re simply looking for tips on how to get a better night’s sleep, or support in times of need or distress, EventWell is your point of call for whatever that need may be, and whether that is for yourself, or someone you know or may be concerned about.

It’s coming to the end of CHS’s ten-week wellbeing campaign, but it’s really not the end, we’re just getting started.

We’re currently crowdfunding so we can get to work educating and communicating to the events industry in the New Year and start work on #EventWell18 and Event Wellbeing Week 2018. You can visit eventwell.org for more information on all of this.

So, if there is one thing you do today, make sure it’s to pay a visit to the website, and if you are struggling and in need of help then speak to someone and ask for help, you may be very surprised by the reaction you get.

I’m proud of what EventWell has achieved this year, there is still work to do but we’ve made those difficult first steps and we have an amazing team on board who you’ll be hearing lots from in the coming months.

I’m prouder still of every single event professional who has taken part in this year’s campaign and made it their own, good for you and thank you.

The events industry; whilst it’s challenging, is one of the most inspiring and supportive industries to work in. Many who work in our industry love our industry, love what we do as professionals and love the differences that we can make. So, let’s make a difference by breaking down barriers and opening up the lines of communication. Go to someone for help or let someone know they can come to you for help, and stay well!


Helen Moon, is a CIM qualified events and marketing director with an eclectic mix of experience in the events industry that spans 20 years and includes event production, venue operations, proactive sales and digital marketing. Helen understands first-hand the busy role of an event professional and is known for her busy roles as Founder and Managing Director of EWL Club, Editor of the Diary of an #Eventprof blog, and now Co-founder and Director of #EventWell, and UK Event Wellbeing Week.

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