Every organiser needs a quick, easy and above all reliable event registration and badging system to engage their delegates pre-event and to ensure a fast entry. The CHS team is no different; they needed a smooth and seamless end to end experience for all attendees – whilst also simplifying their own lives.

The CHS team has been working in partnership with RefTech for 6 years to provide registration and badging for their events, but last year the CHS team wanted to look at ways that RefTech’s systems could ramp up attendee (visitor and exhibitor) engagement before and during the show, and in so doing achieve an enhanced event experience for exhibitors and visitors alike. The CHS team also wanted to streamline their processes and automate tasks and actions to make their own lives as organisers a little easier. 

CHS Group has adopted the complete RefTech registration, badging and scanning system, which has been specifically designed to provide a seamless and simple end to end show experience for visitors and exhibitors, with minimum work from the show organisers. For CHS, the features and functions of the registration system that specifically delivered their objectives included; staffed onsite registration, an exhibitor portal, a recruiter portal, a hosted buyer diary system, LeadReference lead retrieval, the EventReference event app, Fast Track entry, the smart visitor invite, and the ASPods (Autonomous Scanning Pods).

Reliability on the day is very important to the CHS team; the RefTech registration system is designed that if the venue Wi-Fi goes down, it will continue to work seamlessly, and the ASPods are being used to provide scanning points around the event to capture data as visitors proceeded around the show floor.

The ASPod is a self-contained unit that enables visitors to self-scan their badges on entry to an event, and at key check points such as entry to seminars. These units will be placed in six key places around the show in order to collect visitor data or restrict access to invite only events. Three of the pods will be positioned by the seminar sessions to collect attendee data for each session, one will be used to confirm or deny access to the Destination Connection brunch and lunch events, and two will be used to control access to the buyer lunch.

“We are a small organising team, so having the ASPods at key points will free up our team to focus on other aspects of the event, whilst the pods will collect the visitor and exhibitor data we need,” comments Julie Phillips, COO of CHS Group. “Each ASPod will be individually programmed according to the events each buyer can attend and will ensure they can access the events they have been verified to attend.” 

“We adore working with the RefTech team,” concludes Phillips. “They are a true partner who really work with us to understand our needs and help us to achieve our goals. They are providing us with a seamless end to end system that encompasses both the onsite and offsite processes. The systems they provide are really powerful but incredibly user friendly.  Their customer service is impeccable and the team can’t help enough; we have a fantastic relationship with them.”

Visitors to CHS Leeds will get to see the ASPods in real life around the Show, and by visiting the RefTech Stand (Stand 99).

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